Predicting the Risk of Opioid Overdoses in Providence

  • Map
  • City of Providence
  • University of Pennsylvania’s Master of Urban Spatial Analytics
Providence map of Safe Stations program

In an effort to combat opioid overdoses and deaths Providence started the Safe Stations program, which staffs all fire stations with professionals that connect residents with drug rehabilitation services. To study how the program is serving Providence residents, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania’s Master of Urban Spatial Analytics created a data visualization predicting overdose risk across the city. Analyzing data on actual overdose locations as well as community protective resources, risk factors, and neighborhood characteristics, the researchers were able to assess risk across Providence. By then overlaying the locations of Safe Stations, the map reveals those neighborhoods with access to sufficient services and those in need of new stations or other interventions.


Providence Healthy Communities Office, Providence Open Data Portal, Rhode Island GIS, U.S. Census

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